Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sos Tasis
Sos tasis ve'sagel ha'akara bi'kibutz ba'neha le'socha be'simcha. Baruch Atah Hashem me'sameach tzion be'vaneha.
"The barren one should rejoice intensely and exalt at the ingathering of her children amidst her gladness. Blessed are You Hashem, Who gladdens Tzion through her children." (Kesubos 8a)
The "barren one" mentioned here, according to Rashi, is referring to Yerushalayim. The Meiri explains that the future joy of Yerushalyim is comparable to the joy of a Chosson and Kalla. We mentions the hardships of Yerushalayim at this happy moment of Sheva Brachos because, as Rashi explains, it says in Tehillim 137:5-6: "Im eshkacheich Yerushalyayim tishkach yemini. Tidbak le'shoni le'chiki, im lo ez'kireichi..." "If I forget Yerushalyim let my right hand forget its skill. Let my tongue stick to my palate..." The remembrance of Yerushalyim is brought up at this point in the order of the Brachos because the next Bracha is the first one that refers to the Chosson and Kalla as a couple (Meiri).
(Chosson and Kalla picture courtesy of
(Yerushalayim picture courtesy of
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Easily Find a Song...
Yamim Al Ye'mei Melech
(Dovid Hamelech picture courtesy of Cambridge University Library)
(Kiddush Hashem picture courtesy of the shmuz)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Chaim Ve'Shalom
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New Song Clips!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
"...Because with regard to the service of the day he is conscientious." (Yuma 70b)
We know that before someone gets tzara'as on his body for saying Lashon Hara, Hashem sends him warnings. First the tzara'as goes on the guy's house, and then on his clothing. THEN, if the person is still persistent in his evil ways of not using his speech properly, Hashem strikes his body with tzara'as. So we are obviously dealing with a pretty evil guy here; someone very set in his ways of bad speech. So how do we break someone like this? How do we drill into a person like this that what he is doing is so terribly wrong?(it is so wrong that its brought down that Lashon Hara is k'neged all of the 3 yaharog ve'al ya'avors!!!) -So Hashem made a system in which the person will be so humiliated, it will shatter him to the core. By having to go to the Kohen, the most chashuv, holiest guy around, this person is filled with such busha (embarrassment) that it knocks him down, and drives him away from his wrongful ways of inappropriate speech. We should all be zoche to work extremely hard on perfecting our speech. (Heard from Rav Josh Rubenstien Shlita)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Previous Transliterations
(I hope it's good- I’m not a professional transliterator…)
(“ei” is pronounced like “ay” as in “day”)-(not like “ie” as in “Liech”-unless ur chassidish-Z!)
Yodu La’Hashem Chasdo
“Yodu la’Hashem chasdo; v’nifli’osav livnei adam. Ki-hisbiyah, nefesh shokeika; v’nefesh ri’eiva, milei Tov.”
Shoshanas Yaakov
“Shoshanas Yaakov tzahala v’sameicha, bir’osam yachad t’cheiless Mordechai. T’shu’asam hayisa lanetzach, v’sikvasam b’chol dor va’dor. Le’hodiyah, shekol kovecha lo yeivoshu, v’lo yikolmu lanetzach kol hachosim buch. Arur Haman, asher bikeish l’abdi, baruch Mordechai ha’yehudi. Arura Zeresh, eishes mafchidi, b’rucha Esther ba’adi, v’gam Charvona zachur latov.”
Anachnu Ma’aminim Bnei Ma’aminim
“Yisrael be’tach ba’Hashem, ezram u’maginam hu. Anachnu ma’aminim bnei ma’aminim, v’ein lanu al mi le’hisha’ein, elah al Avinu she’bashamayim.”
V’chol Asher Ya’aseh Yatzliyach
“(Ki im be’Torahs Hashem cheftzo, ube’Torahso ye’he’ge yomam va’layla.) Ve’haya ke’eitz shasul al palgei mayim; asher piryo yi’tein bi’ito, ve’alei’hu lo yibol, ve’chol asher ya’aseh yatzliyach.”
Ben Bag Bag Omer
“Ben Bag Bag Omer: Hafoch ba va’hafoch ba, d’chola ba; uva te’chezei, ve’siv u’ve’lei ba, u’mina lo ti’zuah, she’ein lecha mida tovah hei’mena.”
Zochreini Nah
“(Vayikra Shimshon el Hashem vayomer: ‘Hashem Elokim,) Zochreini na ve’chazkeini na ach hapa’am ha’zeh, haElokim, ve’inakma nikam-achas mi’shtei ei’nye mi’pilishtim.”