אָמֵן.יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָא
"u" is pronounced like "u" in "up." Also "i" is like "i" in pit (unless its part of "ei"). And "a" is like "a" in far...I hope its understandable.
Amein. Yi'hei shi'mei rabu mi'vurach li'ulam ooli'ulimei uli'mayu
"Amen. May His Name that is great be blessed forever and for all eternity." (Kadish-duh)
A few common mistakes: Its "Mi'vurach," NOT "Me'vorach. And- li'ulam ooli'ulimei uli'mayu, NOT li'olam ooli'olimei oli'mayu.
I just recently learned the Halachos of Kadish in the Mishna Berura so I'd like to share some things from there that are noteworthy. (Listed in the order they appear in Siman 56)
- Chazal say that anyone who answers "Amein. yi'hei shi'mei..." with all of his strength, his (evil)decrees are torn up.
- The Rishonim explain "All of his strength" to mean all of his concentration, with his whole body; with heart and soul. It shouldn't be just words coming out of his mouth without feeling.
- One must be very careful to refrain from speaking during Kadish (The M"B brings down a couple of spooky stories about what happened to certain people who spoke during Kadish-its not pretty)
- One should pause between "Amein" and "yi'hei" because the "Amein" alone is responding to what the Chazan said, and then we continue with out own statement of praise-"yi'hei..."
- Although, as mentioned before, it is recommended for one to say it in a loud voice, one must still be careful not to do it in such a way that it will cause people to sin by poking fun at it.
- Answering "Amein. yi'hei shi'mei..." is a huge Mitzvah; greater than Modim and Kedusha!
- If one walks into Shul when the congregation is in the middle of saying "yi'hei shi'mei rabu..." he should answer also, starting from "yi'hei" but leaving out the "Amein", because he didn't hear the first part which is what the "Amein" is responding to.
- Remember- Concentrate on the words and their meanings!! These words are incredibly powerful! (This one I threw in myself...)
(Pic courtesy of sz-wholesale)
Hm. I didn't realize that those were shvah nah's (as in "ulimaya"). Thanks for the heads-up; I'll be sure to check this out ASAP.
Some of the mispronunciations you pointed out may be more of a difference in accent than an actual error. So do not despair -- we may be in better shape than you thought ;-)
btw, thanks for clarifying the "u as in up" part. Did you read that discussion in Yated about bentching?! At first I was curious, but ended up ROTFL! "No, the word is yiruh... no, it's yiruuhh... no, its's..." while meanwhile I'm shaking my head thinking "no votes for yir-oo?" And of course it was totally incomprehensible what anyone meant. And there was no way to tell what kind of accent people are applying in their transliteration -- chaseedish? litvish? sphardic? teimani?
Whatever. Poor wasted newsprint on a discussion potentially valuable but going nowhere. Sigh.
Many mispronounce the word Yisroel as if the reish is said with a cholam as "oh" instead of a kometz as in "up".
Great reading your blog posst
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